This time HAS to be different.


I am slowly falling back into what has happened every other stinking time I have started getting ‘healthy’. I’m all in for the first week or two and I do really well. Then I start justifying. “well i have been doing this or that so I’m okay.” NO! that’s not going to work. Its not going to help me lose the  weight! I have not fallen bad yet. But I am seeing the patterns and if you are keeping up I am sure you are too. This time around with the fruits and veggies almost places a fall security in my brain that its okay to do a little off the plan here and there because I know I am doing so good. But that’s stupid and frankly very ignorant, I am only hurting myself. So as the title of this post says, this time HAS to be different. its time to get a 100% straight, not 75 or 80 or even 90%. I have to be a hundred percent on board. This time I have to make it work. I am so sick of being fat, tired and sad (about myself)

Tonight I was going through our family pictures from the summer. Blah. I want to be able to look at pictures and not fell disappointed by myself. Now being overweight isn’t the worst thing in the world. I like being curvy but I dont like be unhealthy and this overweight. That’s just my personal thoughts about myself. I want to be the woman I am in my dreams, fit and healthy. I could go on and on about my feelings about the pictures. But I wont. Because they were beautiful family photos and there is absolutely no point in pouting about me. Its just time to change it.

So where do I go from here you may ask yourself?

  1. Keep going with the reboot. Instead of a 15 day plan, I will be doing a 60 day plan. If I am going to eat another meal it needs to be mostly veggies and fruits. After the 60 days I will keep juicing with adding a meal a day.
  2. EXERCISE! I got to get going on that. No more excuses. need to find a way to get moving so way or another. Whatever it is I need to get moving.
  3. Snacking. WARNING! WARNING! needs to be flashing in my brain. Are you really hungry or are you just bored are the questions I need to ask myself. I will try fruit, veggies, water etc.
  4. I will not beat myself up over a little mistake here or there. But I need to stay focused and learn from them.
  5. Keep on bloggin! It really is helping. Seriously there have been a few times I really don’t want to blog because I know I didn’t do the best that day. BUT i knew I had to for myself. Good or bad I need to blog it for my accountability.

This time will be different because it has to be. And I’m ready for it.

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